Back in black.

sneak previewWow. It’s been almost a month since my last post, my internship took up most of my time for the last four weeks. But now I’m back home and hungry for making some games.
I decided to scrap the multiplayer Moonlumber project, multiplayer action games are damn tricky.
I will however make a bigger game this time, I have a bit of a head start since it’s a prototype I’ve been working on for some time. I don’t want to reveal too much about the game just yet, the release won’t be for a few weeks yet.

What I can reveal is that it will be most awesome.

And while we’re on the topic of awesome you really should check out Kloonigames recent post on rapid prototyping. Partly because it features stuff written by me, but there’s some actual relevant stuff in there too.

I’ve also managed to get my games on a few other sites, Playaholics and Mousebreaker. If you’re running a similar sites the games are still available for licensing.

Posted in News, Rant |