Here we go. This is my second game, I named it hovercrafty. The story goes like this:
You were out picking up pills in the nearby swamp, as usual. Then suddenly the steering on you hovercraft breaks, you’re forced to use the onboard grappling hook to latch onto the aptly placed anchors. Collect as many pills as you can in two minutes.
Vote for this game on Experimental Game Design Project
My best score is 1400, but that should be easy to beat. Write a comment if you do!
Posted in Games
Highscore 1100 med touchpad 😀
1600, eat that.
2200 poäng. Eat that suxxorz
2200 igen ^^
2200 jag med.
Nice spel. Testade dom andra med, men det här var roligast.
2400. I guess those college physics courses had some use after all =)
1700 on my second try ^^
How to move the boat..
pwned 2600 xD
hur fan styr man?
2700 ;D Äger Inte spc kul tycker jag men ´:)
600 poäng 😀
4000 slå det svennjey
ohhh 1400 ,almost more… =) cool game
500im a l337 haxor
err 5000
1100 med touchpad jag också:D
Men hur fan gör man?+?? hände ju noll!!!
Men hur fan gör man?+?? hände ju noll!!!
ok ok jag hajjade fick 2400 efter tredje försöket
meningslöst händer ju fan inget
hur startar man denna? ;/
hej max och linus det är oscar
9oo haha
1000 smaka på den:P
some instructions would be nice….
18000 yeeeh.. sÃ¥ smekta!.. 😀
Första försöket.
N00bz. D;
2200 woho
2000 ^^
24000 SLÃ… DE:P XD
Haha svårt att fatta vad man ska göra i början ju(^_^) 900
jag fick 8000
7500 points uhh… beat that!
hur faan gör man.skit spel
Hur fan gör man? :O
1800 BIAAATCH!!!
Yää 7300
jag hajjar inte!!!!
HaHA jag fick 1000 😛
Yesss 1400 :O
jag fattar inte
va fan ska man göra riktigt gay bögspel
3100points:P haha hard
4300 simply the best
FAAAAAN! Säg hur hur man fucking jävla gayporr-gör då för i helvete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Det funkar ju inte!!!! AAAAAAAH!!!!!! SKRIV HUR MAN GÖÖÖÖR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Don’t know what to do ???!!!!
Who can be so nice and help me??!!! :-*
skriv hur man gör
klicka på dom runda criklarna så kmr ett rep!
1500 😀
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Man, this game has some real potential
I am not a programmer so I never tried it, but I’ve always had an idea similar to this, it’s like a mix of this and DK king of swing, too bad it’s already been done so much.
you should update the graphics engine, there are many things more exciting than a hovercraft to simbolize the concept you have, and some extended level design would really make this shine
jag kan ju inte spela! vafan är det här? kan ju inte göra ett piss!
3000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in yo face!
Great game, keep up the good work, score: 2626! now back to work 🙁
vafan:P hur lätt som helst att klara 1400 poäng:D
this game is phuphel
ja har fått 10000000000000000000000000000000000 points
1637 – Yay!!! I know loads of you have beaten this, but so chuffed to make it over the 1400! ;-D
I love hovercrafty it is so so kewl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My highest score is 10500 on hovercrafty i am so so so good compared 2 u lot. HaHaHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1399 :D!!
1771 boom baby :D!
bez jaj !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
holaaaaaaaaaa chico(A)
ami me gusta juego
Hah! In your face! 7 million! ….tries… to get 1000 points… I suck…. big time 😛
Awesome game! 1976…:) I love the concepts you use in these games! Keep em’ coming!
1101 fun game
2090! Karl rules!
2090 points!
2180 :]
2628!!! Pwnzored!@
its too hard!
Pingback: The games that didn’t make it Part 1: Rain at prototyprally
waaaaaay too hard to play.
521 its hard but funny =p
Since you’ve changed domains, this game doesn’t work anymore.
Haha! Great game! 1742 on my first try. Good work with the springs, feels smooth and fun.