
Wow. I got featured at again which is awesome. Then came the digg/reddit crowd, joined the party aswell.
A little bit less awesome was the 8gb a day of traffic that generated 😉
20k+ visitors in three days managed to bring down the entire server this page is hosted on. Oops.

This caused a little downtime, I was pissed at my server people for not giving me the extra bandwidth, and they were pissed at me for bringing down their entire server. But now I’ve installed caching, removed some performance hungry stuff and added some more bells and whistles just to keep this place going.

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Long time no post, pilgrim

the new game
Wow. It’s been more than two weeks since my last post, here come the excuses!
I’ve been silly busy lately, I’ve just started working on the final project on my current education. So me and my group have been busy writing design documents and fiddling around with databases lately.
I did spend my spare time during christmas making a wii portal, but It’s not really up to par yet and I’m afraid I won’t have much time to work on it within the reasonable future. A pity really.
I do however have an unreleased game more or less complete, and if I get my way I’ll release that tomorrow.

It also seems I’ll be holding a five week class in flash game development this summer. I hope to make some tutorials and put them up here too, watch this space for more news about that.

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More wii

There, all the christmas and New Year business sorted for this time around. The holidays have given me some time to toy around with the browser.
It’s not as awesome as it could be, but hey, people can easily play my games on their tv using a super neat pointing device, so I’m not complaining.
Since everybody loves lists I’ll do a pro/con list!

  • You can’t use the accelerometers (or hardly the buttons)
  • It’s slow (it even runs at a higher resolution than displayed, making performance even worse)
  • It’s Flash 7, not super awesome bitmap wielding Flash 8


  • It’s a browser with flash for the Wii
  • You use the wiimote for pointing
  • It’s Flash 7, not some gimped older version

Anyhow I’ve been fiddling around with porting my games back to Flash 7.
Swallows works nicely.
Hovercrafty needed alot of rewriting for better performance, it was somehow going slower and slower, it does this on PC’s aswell, but it’s not as notable there, so after a couple of hours of fiddling around I got it to move like it should.
Fungus has been ported but is too slow still, I doubt it’ll ever be possible to run because of all the calculations it needs (every fungus checks for neighbours, calculates distances and so on).
Isotope was a quick port, but I’d like to add some additional functionality to it aswell since the copy-paste won’t work on wii.
Eater of worlds can’t be ported because it relies too heavily on Flash 8.

I’ve also been mucking about with my wii-native game, and it too is nearing completion. All this will be on my very own little wii-portal, which also needs to be made.

A lot of work, but it’s a labor of love.

Since this has turned into a wii-centered blog recently, i might aswell link this movie. An amusing little look at the wii copy protection.

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Wii browser.

Today Nintendo released a demo of the Wii browser, and just as expected it supports flash. I just tried it and none of my games work in it, i suspect it only supports Flash 7, and my games are version 8. Most of them however should be fairly easy to port, but with Christmas and everything coming up this weekend it might take a bit longer (though I’d very much like to get it working this instant).

I happened upon this blog post earlier today, and if the Wii runs flash like that I will be a very happy man. The future is exciting!

By the way I have another little game in the pipeline, and I think I just might make it “native” for the Wii, but more on that once I get a chance to explore this a bit more.

Merry Christmas to you all!

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Eater of Worlds Released

It’s finally done. Play it here:
Eater of Worlds.

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The game has a name.

I decided on the name for my game today. Eater of worlds.
The release is drawing near, though I don’t dare to set an actual date just yet. I have a presentation for it in 47 hours (omg!), but I doubt it’ll hit the internets before that.
I have finished the first level, and only some level design is missing from the second one. The third level is still MIA.
I’d absolutely love to make a level editor for this game and let everyone add their own stuff to their own music. That would be awesome, but that’s another two weeks of development, at least. So no go for that.

Eater of Worlds logo

In other news:
This whole Web 2.0 (and/or mod community) thing with user generated content is so exciting, I think my next project will be something that involves the players a bit more. I mean, procedural content is cool and all, but if you get actual people doing content that has to be better.
Lost garden has an article on this.

The wiimote for PC is making real progress, read more on Wii Hacks, watch the cool video on YouTube and wait for WiiLi to get back up.

And also, the wii-browser will support Flash. YES! I read it on a feed from somewhere, but I can’t find it right now.
Let’s just hope it’s proper flash and not Flash 5 or something.

And while I’m at it, Kloonigames has a new game up. Go check it out.

Posted in Log, News, Rant |
  1. Hello! You don’t know me. I found you randomly from the Experimental Gameplay Project website. I was curious – what language(s) and development tool(s) do you use to make your games? Do you have an explanation or article on it anywhere?

  2. Pieter, there’s an L in there too. Worlds. I’ve spent the whole day fiddling with the highscores and the game is now in “closed beta”, if I can get the last level done tomorrow the release won’t be far off.

  3. “Eater of Words”? Although I’m not a native English speaker, I’m pretty sure that “Word Eater” is the right way to say this. 🙂

  4. It’s already several hours past the your presentation. Where’s the game!? Seriously I really like the name and the logo (it reminds of 50’s scifi movie, one of my favorite movie genres). I hope you release the game soon, because it seems mighty interesting. Oh and thanks for mentioning my game on the blog post.

Wiimote for PC.

I read a while back that the wiimote was a regular bluetooth device, atleast regular in the sense that it appears as one when looking for devices to pair with.
Now a crafty individual actually managed to get some data out from it, I guess that getting proper input from it is far of yet, but still it promises great things to come.

Read more on engadget

The video on youtube

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One week call and a new look.

Eater screenshotHello all. After having a less than productive week last week I’ve got my act together and actually made some progress.
I’ve got all the songs back from my friends by now and they’re most awesome all of them. It seems the game will only have three levels instead of the four intended, the graphics are taking a long time to make, and I haven’t completely finished a single level yet.
This game has a lot of cool technical features, which I entirely for my own amusement will list now.

  • Advanced bitmap-caching for the objects in the ball
  • Custom music loader that supports multiple servers with fallback
  • Logging of gameplay statistics (to see how people play the game)
  • Neat level format that supports animating the entire level
  • Heated seats and cup holders

All of these are already in the game and if I get my way there’ll be a few more before next Friday, which is when the game’s due. This also happens to be the release date for the Wii in Europe so I’d like it to be done by Thursday night so I can spend the weekend in Hyrule. Though I fear that is a bit optimistic, after all, it’s not real game development without the crunch.

As the attentive may have noticed I’ve also changed the theme for the blog, I felt the old one was a bit murky and I just couldn’t resist the tasty ajax-ness of K2.

Finally I’d like to plug Kongregate, a startup game site with a fresh new community way of doing things. It’s in closed alpha right now, but I suspect that if you request an invite you’ll get one.
They give away weekly prices for the best games, and has a big competition running until the 15th of December with a first prize of $1500. Nice!

Posted in Log, News |
  1. Hey guys – As of today Kongregate registration is open to all, no invite required. We’re still in alpha, but we’re ready for more players. And thanks for the great games Grapefrukt.

  2. The spam-filter caught you comment, sorry about that. I too have some invites if anyones wants, my email is on the about page.

  3. I have some Kongregate invites to give away, if anyone wants one. I figure someone reading this blog is probably trustworthy. 🙂 You can email me about it. If you can figure out my email address, that is! So take the name I’m posting with, add an ‘s’ to the end, and it’s a Yahoo email. Let’s see the spambots get that one! Sorry. :p

More work?

FlashDevelopAs I’m into the third week of coding the game is getting a bit big. When trying to find stuff in the almost 700 lines of code, almost all of it in one single frame, it gets a bit frustrating. I remembered reading something about a Flash IDE, kinda like Visual Studio, but for flash.
I’ve used these types of software before, and the added organization really speeds up the workflow.

Turns out the program I had read about was FlashDevelop. It’s real awesome. I did a quick try to move my game to it, but it does need a bit more object oriented and strict code than I’ve been using. I will however use it for whatever I do next, and I’ve moved smaller projects into it already.

And the best part is that it’s all Open Source, I really like where this is going.

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Flash. Slow as lightning?

Optimizing picture
Flash is a weird beast. Things you expect to be fast are slow and vice versa. With this project I’m really pushing the limits performance wise. And also, running the game in a browser gives a good 10-30% decrease in fps.
It’s a real downer when you’ve got tons of ideas for cool effects you want to do, but there’s just not enough speed to do it.
But with AS3 right around the corner speed is coming, i mean, if you can do a C64 emulator you can do almost anything.

A really good resource for optimizing flash is

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